DiPel DF

A biological insecticide containing the naturally occurring microorganism Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki (Btk).

The active ingredient in DiPel consists of an optimized blend of four potent Bt protein toxins and a spore. Many other Bt strains lack the volume and balance of Bt toxin proteins that DiPel delivers.

Bt subsp. kurstaki toxins have distinct modes of action unlike any chemical insecticide, providing a perfect tool for insect pest control programs. DiPel has never shown cross-resistance with any chemical insecticide

DiPel DF is a state-of-the-art, dust free, water dispersible granular formulation with excellent stability and shelflife. It suspends completely in water, keeping screens and nozzles from clogging and keeping application consistent

Active ingredient: 32,000 iu Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki strain ABTS-351 per mg


Mode of action:

When an insect pest ingests the protein crystals on treated leaves, its feeding stops within minutes. The protein crystals are solubilized in the gut of the pest and gut cells are irreparably damaged. Once this damage occurs, Bt spores enter through the gut wall and germinate rapidly in the body cavity causing blood poisoning. The larvae then die in 1-3 days.


  • Fast feeding cessation (measurable in minutes)
  • Leaves no residue on food crops. Bacillus thuringiensis products do not have an established MRL anywhere in the world
  • Unique mode of action, no cross-resistance with any chemical insecticide.
  • A strong tool for insecticide resistance management
  • Does not harm beneficial insects
  • Does not harm pollinators
  • One of the few insecticides approved for organic use
  • Environmentally friendly
  • A valuable component of an Integrated Pest Management program


PHI Rate of application Pest Crop
Zero 200 gr/fed Potato tuber moth Potatoes
Zero 200 gr/fed Cotton leaf worm Tomatoes
Zero 300 gr/fed Grapes berry moth Grapes
Zero 200 gr/fed Cotton leaf worm Alfalfa
Zero 400 gr/fed Tuta absoluta Tomatoes
Zero 200 gr/fed Olive leaf worm Olives
zero 200 gr/fed Fruit worm Pomegranate

 Manufactured by:           Sumitomo Chemical Agro

                                             (Valent BioSciences Corporation USA)


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